These General Terms of Sale are applicable to products and services sold by Nexuro Digital, associated with the company Nexuro SRL. The present Terms of Sale are General Terms of Sale. General Terms of Sale are non specific Terms of Sale. As such, if additional Terms of Sale have been agreed and communicated with the client, these additional Terms prevail.
Please read these terms carefully before placing an order with ICM S.A. By accepting an order with ICM S.A., the client marks his acceptance with these terms.
The client renounces its own Terms of Sale, unless a written agreement has been found.
Our invoices are payable within 15 days, unless another payment timeframe is indicated on the invoice. In the event of non-payment by the due date, ICM S.A. will apply a fixed interest payment representing 15% of the remaining due amount. In case of non payment, ICM reserves the right to stop any supply of services and/or goods.
If a payment is still outstanding more than sixty (60) days after the due payment date, Nexuro SRL reserves the right to call on any means to recover its receivable. Non exhaustive list of means that can be used : services of a debt recovery company, services of a lawyer company. All engaged costs endured by Nexuro SRL in that objective will be charged to the client.
Some jurisdictions apply additional taxes on the amount of invoices. Such taxes are always paid by the client, in any circumstances. The total amount of invoices agreed and sent by ICM S.A. is due.
ICM S.A. makes the necessary efforts to supply services according to the agreed timeframe defined during the kick-off meeting. The kick-off meeting is the first meeting with the client once the quotation has been signed and therefore, once the client has been invoiced. Nevertheless, the respect of this timeframe can not be considered as an obligation.
Nexuro SRL makes the necessary efforts to deliver the product defined during the sale process and confirmed during the kick-off meeting. The sale process consists of the period prior to the kick-off meeting.
The evaluation of the correct achievement of the delivered product cannot be based on non-functional elements or minor functional elements. In this context, the notion of minimum viable product (MVP) must be introduced. Definition of a MVP : “a version of a product (typically a computer program or piece of technology) that meets the minimum necessary requirements for use but can be adapted and improved in the future” - ICM S.A.
ICM S.A. engage in providing a MVP as defined during the Kick off meeting.
Nexuro SRL cannot be held responsible for problems beyond its control. These problems can typically be due to the following elements : an unexpected event generated by the software editor or by a third party. Nexuro SRL offers implementation services attached to the Odoo software suite. Therefore, unexpected events, such as bugs generated directly by Odoo software suite, although rare, may occur.
To the maximum extent permitted by law, the aggregate liability of each party together with its affiliates and third parties arising will not exceed 50% of the total amount paid by the Customer under these terms during the 12 months immediately preceding the date of the event giving rise to such claim. Multiple claims shall not enlarge this limitation.
ICM S.A. reserves the right to invoice further if the project specification changes or in case of an unexpected event or for a wrong budget estimate.
ICM S.A. reserves the right to modify these terms at any time without prior notice. The client will be subject to the terms in force at the time of acceptance of those terms.
All our contractual relations will be governed exclusively by Belgian law. Moreover, any dispute that may arise will be subject exclusively to French speaking jurisdictions and courts in Belgium.
If you need to travel to carry out your projects, we will charge you at cost (mileage*, parking tickets, transport tickets, accommodation).
*Kilometric allowances are defined by the relevant authorities. By way of illustration, the kilometric rate applied for the period from January 1, 2024 to March 31, 2024 is 0.4269 euros per km.
Hours worked will be billed on a monthly basis. Each month, you will receive details of the services provided via your customer portal.